All posts by admin

Welcome To The January Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome To The January Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Hello again from PALS Programme and we hope 2017 has started well for you all.

It has been all go in PALS Programme HQ so far this year and we have lots of exciting updates for you.  We hope you enjoy our first blog of 2017!

Latest Updates From PALS Programme

PALS Programme is now on Snapchat!

Late last year we extended our social media presence and joined the phenomenon that is snapchat.

It has been a big hit with the students especially the students in First Year. If you check out the PALS Programme facebook page you will see some snapchat posts with students.

#snapchat #filters #selfies.

PALS Programme PEP Workshop – another first for PALS

As we get the new year off to a productive, busy start we have launched a new addition to PALS™ Programme with the P.E.P Workshops for exam students. The first Positive Exam Preparation Workshop is for Leaving Cert Students takes place on Sunday 5th March 2017.

We hope to run a workshop for 3rd year students for Junior Cert preparation so watch out for updates on social media.

Over the last few weeks we have spoken to many students who are feeling overwhelmed about the state examinations in June. The focus of this workshop is to look at a positive, manageable study and revision structure to help students balance potential challenges at this stressful time.

The workshop will focus on effective time management, stress management, PALS™ Pyramid, wellness – emotional, mental and physical and how to apply a Positive Mental Attitude in the run up to exams.

To book your place please contact us on

 Youthreach Programmes

We were delighted to return to Kells Youthreach in December to end 2016 on a high and deliver the PALS Programme ‘Christmas Gratitude Journal’

This was another first for PALS and the students really enjoyed the workshop. They created wonderful Gratitude Christmas Trees and even got to complete a Gratitude Cheque!

If you manage a youthreach centre and would like to bring PALS Programme into your service then please contact us on 

Business In The Community

We returned in October 2016 and delivered another workshop to Business In The Community as part of our corporate and community responsibility. This is always a great opportunity to give back to the community.

Our PALS Programme  ‘Interview Preparation Workshop’ was delivered to 8 participants to help them prepare for returning to the work place.

We will return later this year to deliver this workshop again with new participants on their return to work programme.

Talk About Youth Project – another first for PALS

We had two fantastic days in September and November delivering the PALS Programme Positive Assertive Communication workshop to participants in the Steps To Success Programme with the Talk About Youth Project in St Andrews Resource Centre in Pearse Street, Dublin 2.

This brilliant project was for young adults aged 17-24 years and focused on bringing about knowledge and life skills to enable them to seek employment.

We covered areas of positive communication, interview and work experience preparation and personal responsibility.

A big shout out to this group who were lively, interactive and very engaging!

Academic Year 2016-2017 PALS Programme Structure

Would you like PALS Programme in your school?

Contact us for more information and we will be happy to discuss all the options available to you including costs and diary availability.

Secondary School Programmes

PALS Programme for TY Students – 4 week Programme

PALS Programme for 5th and 6th Year LCA Students – 4 week Programme

PALS Programme for 1st Year Students – Workshop

PALS Programme for Student Mentors/ Leadership – Workshop

PALS Programme for Exam Students – Workshop

PALS Programme for Teachers – Workshop

All our standard PALS Programmes are adaptable to individual school needs so if you would like a PALS Programme specific to your year group then please contact us.

Primary Schools

PALS Programme for 6th Class Students – Workshop

PALS Programme for 5th Class Students –  Workshop

PALS Programme for Teachers – Workshop

Third Level Education

We are very excited about moving forward and expanding PALS Programme into third level education especially for first year students in college.

We are developing a programme at the moment and plan to launch it in 2017 for first year students.

If you are a lecturer or student in third level and you would like more information please contact us on

Understanding The Power Of Positive Communication With Teenagers & Young Adults

 A PALS Programme Talk For Parents

We are delighted with the interest from parents, teachers and parent associations for our PALS Programme Talk For Parents.

If you are a parent or teacher who feels this talk would benefit the parents of students in your school then please contact us for more information and to book a talk for your school.

One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults Continues To Grow

We are so happy to see the awareness and understanding of our PALS one to one programme growing with parents and guardians. HQ is receiving several calls a week from parents enquiring about how PALS may help their teenagers or young adults.

PALS Programme has been designed to focus on many areas where challenges are faced.

The programme is adaptable to individuals and groups and will focus on bringing about positive changes in many areas. Sometimes a challenge which seems small and insignificant to an adult can actually be very overwhelming to a 12 or 13 year teenager. Often the process of taking time out to look at positive experiences, strengths and attributes, can often help a teenager focus on all their good skills and in doing so they feel confident to grow and progress in other areas which they find more challenging. Often the very act of taking time out to review our progress and development can be just the very activity which is needed to bring about positive changes in our lives. This one small change can have a very positive knock on effect and bring about big changes in several areas including school, social skills and general mental health and well-being.

We have seen huge positive results almost immediately with our one to one clients. The sessions are tailored to the client and therefore can focus on the core areas of concern. Many students feel such a positive impact on their day to day lives that they want to continue maintaining this well into the future.

Sessions are delivered over 3, 6 or 9 sessions depending on the needs of the teenager or young adult. The process of the weekly or fortnightly sessions allows time for the student to introduce new habits and complete the weekly action plan.

All in all the overall result is very very positive!

Recently we have seen an increase with difficulties around managing anxiety and panic. Using the core principals of our PALS Pyramid we are finding that our clients are coping better with an understanding of how their thoughts are connecting to their feelings and by remember to change their challenging thoughts into positive thoughts they see an improvement in how they feel which in turn leads to more positive and proactive actions.

If you would like to know more about how our PALS Pyramid might help you or your child with any areas of concern, worry or anxiety then please contact us via email or call 086 8094924.

Big congrats to all our one to one clients who have embraced the PALS Programme both positively and proactively.

PALS Programme Interview Preparation Coaching

Do you have an interview coming up?

A good CV will get you the interview but you will get yourself the job!

Being prepared and confident when attending an interview is immediately noticed by the interviewer and connecting on a personal level from the beginning can really help in securing your new role.

Interview Prep Coaching will help you focus on your self-belief, your confidence and will give you the ability to put yourself forward in the best possible way.

This coaching takes about 90 minutes and well worth the investment as the success rate of securing a new job is extremely high.

In the three months we got feedback from the 9 clients who came for Interview Prep Coaching to say they secured the job!

We are super happy with these results and wish all our clients every success in their new careers!

PALS Career Coaching Programme For Teenagers and Young Adults – continues to go from strength to strength!

Here is a lovely testimonial from a client who recently did the PALS Career Coaching Programme.

“I am delighted to say I attended two interviews recently and was offered both jobs after completing the PALS Career Coaching Programme with Bee. My confidence is growing every day and I feel happier in general in all areas of my life. My family have even noticed it. Time with Bee helped me focus on my strengths and qualities, even though I am only 19, I now know I have a lot to offer an employer. I have decided to continue sessions with PALS One to One focusing on my plans for college and increasing my network of friends. I feel less shy and ready to approach social activities in a more positive and confident way. Thank you so much Bee.” David, Student.

This programme helps teenagers and young adults on the beginning of their career journey whether they are looking for a part-time weekend job or ready to embark on full-time employment.

The programme runs over three one hour sessions to help with all the preparation needed to get onto the career ladder.

The first session focuses on CV preparation. A full tailored CV will make all the difference and will secure an interview for the student. The second session consists of interview preparation looking at areas of positive communication, confidence and an ability to promote the best of yourself. The final session will focus on post interview analysis allowing feedback and a plan of action going forward. The success rate of job offers for students is gaining momentum and we are really happy with the results to date!



Remember to follow us on

PALS_PROGRAMME  on Instagram!

@palsprogramme on twitter

PALS Programme on Facebook

Pals_programme on snapchat


Have you got PALS in your school?

Please contact us on for any more information you may require.

Until next time,

Thank you


Welcome To The September Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome To The September Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Wow here we are into September again. We hope you all had a super summer break and are all set for the new school year ahead.

PALS HQ has had a busy few months with lots of new developments. We are delighted with the positive direction PALS is continuing in and look forward to connecting with many more schools, young adults and parents in the coming year.

Latest Updates From PALS Programme

Youthreach Programmes

We are delighted that we got to connect in with KELLS Youthreach in June 2016 to deliver a workshop.

The ‘Positive & Assertive Communication Workshop’ was delivered to students as an introduction in preparation for the PALS Programme which will run during 2016-2017 school year for Youthreach participants.

We are all set to meet this years students again on 8th September in Kells.

If you manage a youthreach centre and would like to bring PALS Programme into your service then please contact us on


Business In The Community

In May 2016 we had a great opportunity to give back to the community when we delivered a workshop in Business In The Community as part of our corporate and community responsibility.

The ‘Interview Preparation Workshop’ was delivered to 12 participants to help them prepare for returning to the work place.

We will return in October to deliver this workshop again with new participants on their return to work programme.


Talk For Parents

We were delighted to meet parents of students from Our Lady’s School, Greenhills, Drogheda in May 2016 during their Positive Mental Health Week.

Our ‘ Understanding The Power Of Positive Communication With Teenagers and Young Adults’ talk for parents was very well received by both parents and staff at the school.


Talk About Youth Project

We are very excited to get involved in this brilliant project for young adults aged 17-24 years.

Later this month the Talk About Youth Project in St Andrews Resource Centre, will run an employability course for young adults and PALS Programme will deliver several modules in this course. We will cover areas of positive communication, interview and work experience preparation and personal responsibility. We are really looking forward to connecting with this group and empowering the participants to achieve their goals in future employment.


More New Schools On Board

We are currently in talks with several schools in the Dublin, Meath and Louth area about implementing PALS Programme so watch this space for updates and information.


Academic Year  2016-2017 PALS Programme Structure

Would you like PALS Programme in your school?

Contact us for more information and we will be happy to discuss all the options available to you including costs and diary availability.

Secondary School Programmes

PALS Programme for TY Students – 4 week Programme

PALS Programme for 5th and 6th Year LCA Students – 4 week Programme

PALS Programme for 1st Year Students – Workshop

PALS Programme for Student Mentors/ Leadership – Workshop

PALS Programme for Exam Students – Workshop

PALS Programme for Teachers – Workshop

All our standard PALS Programmes are adaptable to individual school needs so if you would like a PALS Programme specific to your year group then please contact us.

Primary Schools

PALS Programme for 6th Class Students – Workshop

PALS Programme for 5th Class Students –  Workshop

PALS Programme for Teachers – Workshop

Third Level Education

We are very excited about moving forward and expanding PALS Programme into third level education especially for first year students in college.

We are developing a programme at the moment and plan to launch it in 2017 for first year students.

If you are a lecturer or student in third level and you would like more information please contact us on


Understanding The Power Of Positive Communication With Teenagers & Young Adults

 A PALS Programme Talk For Parents

We are delighted with the interest from parents, teachers and parent associations for our PALS Programme Talk For Parents.

If you are a parent or teacher who feels this talk would benefit the parents of students in your school then please contact us for more information and to book a talk for your school.


One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults Continues To Grow

We are so happy to see the awareness and understanding of our PALS one to one programme growing with parents and guardians. HQ is receiving several calls a week from parents enquiring about how PALS may help their teenagers or young adults.

PALS Programme has been designed to focus on many areas where challenges are faced.

The programme is adaptable to individuals and groups and will focus on bringing about positive changes in many areas. Sometimes a challenge which seems small and insignificant to an adult can actually be very overwhelming to a 12 or 13 year teenager. Often the process of taking time out to look at positive experiences, strengths and attributes, can often help a teenager focus on all their good skills and in doing so they feel confident to grow and progress in other areas which they find more challenging. Often the very act of taking time out to review our progress and development can be just the very activity which is needed to bring about positive changes in our lives. This one small change can have a very positive knock on effect and bring about big changes in several areas including school, social skills and general mental health and well-being.

We have seen huge positive results almost immediately with our one to one clients. The sessions are tailored to the client and therefore can focus on the core areas of concern. Many students feel such a positive impact on their day to day lives that they want to continue maintaining this well into the future.

Sessions are delivered over 3, 6 or 9 sessions depending on the needs of the teenager or young adult. The process of the weekly or fortnightly sessions allows time for the student to introduce new habits and complete the weekly action plan.

All in all the overall result is very very positive!

Recently we have seen an increase with difficulties around managing anxiety and panic. Using the core principals of our PALS Pyramid we are finding that our clients are coping better with an understanding of how their thoughts are connecting to their feelings and by remember to change their challenging thoughts into positive thoughts they see an improvement in how they feel which in turn leads to more positive and proactive actions.

If you would like to know more about how our PALS Pyramid might help you or your child with any areas of concern, worry or anxiety then please contact us via email or call 086 8094924.

Big congrats to all our one to one clients who have embraced the PALS Programme both positively and proactively.


PALS Programme Interview Preparation Coaching

Do you have an interview coming up?

A good CV will get you the interview but you will get yourself the job!

Being prepared and confident when attending an interview is immediately noticed by the interviewer and connecting on a personal level from the beginning can really help in securing your new role.

Interview Prep Coaching will help you focus on your self-belief, your confidence and will give you the ability to put yourself forward in the best possible way.

This coaching takes about 90 minutes and well worth the investment as the success rate of securing a new job is extremely high.

In the three months we got feedback from the 9 clients who came for Interview Prep Coaching to say they secured the job!

We are super happy with these results and wish all our clients every success in their new careers!


PALS Career Coaching Programme For Teenagers and Young Adults – continues to go from strength to strength!

Here is a lovely testimonial from a client who recently did the PALS Career Coaching Programme.

“I am delighted to say I attended two interviews recently and was offered both jobs after completing the PALS Career Coaching Programme with Bee. My confidence is growing every day and I feel happier in general in all areas of my life. My family have even noticed it. Time with Bee helped me focus on my strengths and qualities, even though I am only 19, I now know I have a lot to offer an employer. I have decided to continue sessions with PALS One to One focusing on my plans for college and increasing my network of friends. I feel less shy and ready to approach social activities in a more positive and confident way. Thank you so much Bee.” David, Student.

This programme helps teenagers and young adults on the beginning of their career journey whether they are looking for a part-time weekend job or ready to embark on full-time employment.

The programme runs over three one hour sessions to help with all the preparation needed to get onto the career ladder.

The first session focuses on CV preparation. A full tailored CV will make all the difference and will secure an interview for the student. The second session consists of interview preparation looking at areas of positive communication, confidence and an ability to promote the best of yourself. The final session will focus on post interview analysis allowing feedback and a plan of action going forward. The success rate of job offers for students is gaining momentum and we are really happy with the results to date!




This year we joining the social media sensation snapchat so you can follow us on pals_programme

Remember to also follow us on –

PALS_PROGRAMME  on Instagram!

@palsprogramme on twitter

PALS Programme on Facebook


Have you got PALS in your school?

Please contact us on for any more information you may require.


Have a great month!

Thank you



Welcome To The January Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome To The January Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome to the first blog of 2016 with PALS Programme. We hope the start of the New Year is in on track and going well for you.
We have lots of news and updates for you.

IRISH TV & PALS Programme

Very exciting news and a super start to 2016!

PALS Programme was invited by Irish TV on 3rd of January to do an interview about PALS and give some insight to the positive impact PALS has had on teenagers and young adults.
Watch this space – we will let you know when the show is due to air!

February 2016 – TY Workshop – Part Two In Ratoath College

We are all set to return to Ratoath College next week to deliver part two of our TY Workshop to the four fantastic groups we met in December last year.

They were a very enthusiastic group of students who embraced the PALS Programme full on with our very interactive and engaging sessions.
We are also very excited to see who maintained their daily Gratitude Journal over the last two months! Awards have been promised.

TY EXPO 2016 –Attention All TY Co Ordinators

In February all secondary schools will receive a TY Update magazine from TY Ireland with details of all programmes available for Transition Year Students including PALS Programme.
We are delighted to support TY Ireland in this magazine and we look forward to connecting with you all in September 2016 for the TY Expo.

Another First For PALS Programme

PALS Programme Workshop For Parents – Effective & Positive Communication With Teenagers

Are you a parent of a teenager or young adult?

Would you like to understand how effective positive communication skills can be for yourself?
Would you like to understand how effective positive communication skills can be with your teenager or young adult?

Details of our 3 hour workshop coming soon.

Contact for more information or to register your interest.

PALS 4 Week Programme For Leaving Cert Applied 5th year students – January 2016

We are delighted to get the new year off to a great start and return to Ratoath College again to meet up with the current 5th Year students.

We love the opportunity to connect with students as they move through the academic years in school.
One of our core aims in PALS is to build continuity within a school where we get to meet students in First Year, then in exam years and if they do Transition Year we have the opportunity to spend 4 weeks with the students. This allows areas of measured growth in the personal development and life skills aspect of a students’ time in second level education.
Within our 5th year programme we have added a new module which focuses on helping to prepare students for work experience, interview skills and CV prep.

We feel when students can build their self-confidence, resilience and self-belief through developing their positive communication skills they are in a better position to secure either work experience and/or part time employment.
We are looking forward to hearing how the students get over the next two weeks at their work experience!

We will return in three weeks to do a follow up and assist with their part-time work going forward.

Academic Year 2015-2016/ 2016/2017 PALS Programme Structure

Would you like PALS Programme in your school?

Contact us for more information and we will be happy to discuss all the options available to you including costs and diary availability.

Secondary School Programmes

PALS Programme for TY Students – 4 week Programme
PALS Programme for 5th and 6th Year LCA Students – 4 week Programme
PALS Programme for 1st Year Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for Student Mentors/ Leadership – Workshop
PALS Programme for Exam Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for Teachers – Workshop

All our standard PALS Programmes are adaptable to individual school needs so if you would like a PALS Programme specific to your year group then please contact us.

Primary Schools

PALS Programme for 6th Class Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for 5th Class Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for Teachers – Workshop

Third Level Education

We are very excited about moving forward and expanding PALS Programme into third level education especially for first year students in college.

We are developing a programme at the moment and plan to launch it for 2016/2017 students.

If you are a lecturer or student in third level and you would like more information please contact us on

One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults Continues To Grow

We are so happy to see the awareness and understanding of our PALS one to one programme growing with parents and guardians.
HQ is receiving several calls a week from parents enquiring about how PALS may help their teenagers or young adults.
PALS Programme has been designed to focus on many areas where challenges are faced.

The programme is adaptable to individuals and groups and will focus on bringing about positive changes in many areas. Sometimes a challenge which seems small and insignificant to an adult can actually be very overwhelming to a 12 or 13 year teenager. Often the process of taking time out to look at positive experiences, strengths and attributes, can often help a teenager focus on all their good skills and in doing so they feel confident to grow and progress in other areas which they find more challenging. Often the very act of taking time out to review our progress and development can be just the very activity which is needed to bring about positive changes in our lives. This one small change can have a very positive knock on effect and bring about big changes in several areas including school, social skills and general mental health and well-being.

We have seen huge positive results almost immediately with our one to one clients. The sessions are tailored to the client and therefore can focus on the core areas of concern. Many students feel such a positive impact on their day to day lives that they want to continue maintaining this well into the future.

Sessions are delivered over 3, 6 or 9 sessions depending on the needs of the teenager or young adult. The process of the weekly or fortnightly sessions allows time for the student to introduce new habits and complete the weekly action plan.
All in all the overall result is very very positive!

Recently we have seen an increase with difficulties around managing anxiety and panic. Using the core principals of our PALS Pyramid we are finding that our clients are coping better with an understanding of how their thoughts are connecting to their feelings and by remember to change their challenging thoughts into positive thoughts they see an improvement in how they feel which in turn leads to more positive and proactive actions.

If you would like to know more about how our PALS Pyramid might help you or your child with any areas of concern, worry or anxiety then please contact us via email or call 086 8094924.

Big congrats to all our one to one clients who have embraced the PALS Programme both positively and proactively.

PALS Programme Interview Preparation Coaching

Do you have an interview coming up?
A good CV will get you the interview but you will get yourself the job!

Being prepared and confident when attending an interview is immediately noticed by the interviewer and connecting on a personal level from the beginning can really help in securing your new role.

Interview Prep Coaching will help you focus on your self-belief, your confidence and will give you the ability to put yourself forward in the best possible way.

This coaching takes about 90 minutes and well worth the investment as the success rate of securing a new job is extremely high.
In the last 6 months we got feedback from the 14 clients who came for Interview Prep Coaching to say they secured the job!
We are super happy with these results and wish all our clients every success in their new careers!

PALS Career Coaching Programme For Teenagers and Young Adults – continues to go from strength to strength!

Here is a lovely testimonial from a client who recently did the PALS Career Coaching Programme.

“I am delighted to say I attended two interviews recently and was offered both jobs after completing the PALS Career Coaching Programme with Bee. My confidence is growing every day and I feel happier in general in all areas of my life. My family have even noticed it. Time with Bee helped me focus on my strengths and qualities, even though I am only 19, I now know I have a lot to offer an employer. I have decided to continue sessions with PALS One to One focusing on my plans for college and increasing my network of friends. I feel less shy and ready to approach social activities in a more positive and confident way. Thank you so much Bee.” David, Student.

This programme helps teenagers and young adults on the beginning of their career journey whether they are looking for a part-time weekend job or ready to embark on full-time employment.

The programme runs over three one hour sessions to help with all the preparation needed to get onto the career ladder.
The first session focuses on CV preparation. A full tailored CV will make all the difference and will secure an interview for the student. The second session consists of interview preparation looking at areas of positive communication, confidence and an ability to promote the best of yourself. The final session will focus on post interview analysis allowing feedback and a plan of action going forward. The success rate of job offers for students is gaining momentum and we are really happy with the results to date!


PALS_PROGRAMME is now on Instagram! Please follow us

Remember you can follow us on twitter @palsprogramme and also you can like our page on facebook.
Have you got PALS in your school?
Please contact us on for any more information you may require.

Have a super month

Thank you


Welcome To The November Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome To The November Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Wow October and November were extremely busy months for PALS Programme with lots of exciting activities going on.
We enjoyed a brief rest and catch up over mid-term break and hope you all enjoyed the time off.

PALS 4 Week Programme For Leaving Cert Applied 6th year students – October 2015

We are delighted we got to return to Ratoath College again in October to meet up with the current 6th Year students who we met last year.

We love the opportunity to re connect with students as they move through the academic years in school. We get the chance to observe growth and maturity while also hearing about how PALS Programme may have impacted on them positively over the last year.

One of our core aims in PALS is to build continuity within a school where we get to meet students in First Year, then in exam years and if they do Transition Year we have the opportunity to spend 4 weeks with the students.

This allows areas of measured growth in the personal development and life skills aspect of a students’ time in second level education.
Within our 6th year programme we have added a new module which focuses on helping to prepare students for work experience, interview skills and CV prep.

We feel when students can build their self-confidence, resilience and self-belief through developing their positive communication skills they are in a better position to secure either work experience and/or part time employment.

We are looking forward to hearing how the students get on this week at their work experience!

Some feedback from the students

– I enjoyed listening to the presentations, I liked all the positivity that Bee brought to the class every week.
– I enjoyed the positivity and Bee was very nice and she made the classes fun and interesting.
She made me feel good about myself. I would recommend this programme to people of all ages
– The enthusiasm and energy
– I enjoyed the positivity and how nice Bee is. She helped us with our work experience and explained PALS in a fun way. Thank you

December 2015 – TY Workshop in Ratoath College

We are looking forward to meeting this years TY Students in Ratoath College. We are introducing a new concept for this years TY’s as their modules have changed.

We will now deliver a two part programme consisting of two workshops – part one in December and part two in the New Year. We are very excited about meeting the four groups of TY students next week.


We are delighted with our fantastic feature in the Autumn/Winter edition of BellTime Magazine which will be delivered to all secondary schools around the country during November.

This is a great opportunity for PALS to reach a wider audience and connect with schools nationwide.

Rachel and her fantastic team at Bell Media are a pleasure to engage with and they provide a fantastic comprehensive magazine covering lots of interesting aspects for both students and teachers in their magazine.

If you would like to check out our feature and their online magazine then just log onto

Thank you again to the super team at Bell Media!

Academic Year 2015-2016 PALS Programme Structure

Would you like PALS Programme in your school?

Contact us for more information and we will be happy to discuss all the options available to you including costs and diary availability.

Secondary School Programmes

PALS Programme for TY Students – 4 week Programme
PALS Programme for 5th and 6th Year LCA Students – 4 week Programme
PALS Programme for 1st Year Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for Student Mentors/ Leadership – Workshop
PALS Programme for Exam Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for Teachers – Workshop

All our standard PALS Programmes are adaptable to individual school needs so if you would like a PALS Programme specific to your year group then please contact us.

Primary Schools

PALS Programme for 6th Class Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for 5th Class Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for Teachers – Workshop

Third Level Education

We are very excited about moving forward and expanding PALS Programme into third level education especially for first year students in college.

We are developing a programme at the moment and plan to launch it for 2015/2016 students.

If you are a lecturer or student in third level and you would like more information please contact us on

PALS Programme and Meath Enterprise Week

We were delighted to be asked by Meath Enterprise to deliver a PALS Programme Seminar during Meath Enterprise Week.

Our seminar on ‘ How To Be An Effective Entrepreneur’ focused on the positive assertive ethos of our PALS Programme – looking at positive communication, personal and professional development and mindfulness in business.
We got to chat with Irish TV about our schools programme and we look forward to seeing the programme air on TV soon.

PALS Career Coaching Programme For Teenagers and Young Adults – continues to go from strength to strength!

Here is a lovely testimonial from a client who recently did the PALS Career Coaching Programme.

“I am delighted to say I attended two interviews recently and was offered both jobs after completing the PALS Career Coaching Programme with Bee. My confidence is growing every day and I feel happier in general in all areas of my life. My family have even noticed it. Time with Bee helped me focus on my strengths and qualities, even though I am only 19, I now know I have a lot to offer an employer. I have decided to continue sessions with PALS One to One focusing on my plans for college and increasing my network of friends. I feel less shy and ready to approach social activities in a more positive and confident way. Thank you so much Bee.” David, Student.

This programme helps teenagers and young adults on the beginning of their career journey whether they are looking for a part-time weekend job or ready to embark on full-time employment.

The programme runs over three one hour sessions to help with all the preparation needed to get onto the career ladder.

The first session focuses on CV preparation. A full tailored CV will make all the difference and will secure an interview for the student. The second session consists of interview preparation looking at areas of positive communication, confidence and an ability to promote the best of yourself. The final session will focus on post interview analysis allowing feedback and a plan of action going forward. The success rate of job offers for students is gaining momentum and we are really happy with the results to date!

Another First For PALS Programme

PALS Programme For Parents

We are delighted to say we are now extending our PALS Programme for parents of preteens, teenagers and young adults.
In January 2016 we will launch the PALS Programme for Parents with an afternoon introductory workshop with a view to delivering a 6 week course.
This programme will focus on positive communication for parents especially around the areas of challenges or difficulties.
Being a parent isn’t easy no matter what stage your children are at however preteens and teenagers bring about a different view of parenting and having the skills and positive attitude to manage this can be hugely beneficial.
How do we stay positive and assertive when under pressure and feeling worn-out?
How do we stay happy and fun loving while remaining assertive?
How do we put ourselves first so we can manage stress positively?
If you would like to know more about this programme or you would like to join the mailing list for PALS Programme for Parents please email us on

PALS Programme Workshops For Teenagers

Watch this space!

We have had several enquiries from parents about possible workshops for teenagers who may not have PALS Programme in their school but they would like to understand a little about how they could use it in their day to day life.

We are working on a two part workshop for teenagers from the ages of 14-18 years which they can attend on a Saturday.

More details to come in early 2016!!!

PALS Programme Interview Preparation Coaching

Do you have an interview coming up?

A good CV will get you the interview but you will get yourself the job!

Being prepared and confident when attending an interview is immediately noticed by the interviewer and connecting on a personal level from the beginning can really help in securing your new role.

Interview Prep Coaching will help you focus on your self-belief, your confidence and will give you the ability to put yourself forward in the best possible way.

This coaching takes about 90 minutes and well worth the investment as the success rate of securing a new job is extremely high.
In the three months we got feedback from the 9 clients who came for Interview Prep Coaching to say they secured the job!
We are super happy with these results and wish all our clients every success in their new careers!

One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults Continues To Grow

We are so happy to see the awareness and understanding of our PALS one to one programme growing with parents and guardians. HQ is receiving several calls a week from parents enquiring about how PALS may help their teenagers or young adults.

PALS Programme has been designed to focus on many areas where challenges are faced.

The programme is adaptable to individuals and groups and will focus on bringing about positive changes in many areas. Sometimes a challenge which seems small and insignificant to an adult can actually be very overwhelming to a 12 or 13 year teenager. Often the process of taking time out to look at positive experiences, strengths and attributes, can often help a teenager focus on all their good skills and in doing so they feel confident to grow and progress in other areas which they find more challenging. Often the very act of taking time out to review our progress and development can be just the very activity which is needed to bring about positive changes in our lives. This one small change can have a very positive knock on effect and bring about big changes in several areas including school, social skills and general mental health and well-being.

We have seen huge positive results almost immediately with our one to one clients. The sessions are tailored to the client and therefore can focus on the core areas of concern. Many students feel such a positive impact on their day to day lives that they want to continue maintaining this well into the future.

Sessions are delivered over 3, 6 or 9 sessions depending on the needs of the teenager or young adult. The process of the weekly or fortnightly sessions allows time for the student to introduce new habits and complete the weekly action plan.
All in all the overall result is very very positive!

Recently we have seen an increase with difficulties around managing anxiety and panic.
Using the core principals of our PALS Pyramid we are finding that our clients are coping better with an understanding of how their thoughts are connecting to their feelings and by remember to change their challenging thoughts into positive thoughts they see an improvement in how they feel which in turn leads to more positive and proactive actions.

If you would like to know more about how our PALS Pyramid might help you or your child with any areas of concern, worry or anxiety then please contact us via email or call 086 8094924.

Big congrats to all our one to one clients who have embraced the PALS Programme both positively and proactively.


PALS_PROGRAMME is now on Instagram! Please follow us

Remember you can follow us on twitter @palsprogramme and also you can like our page on facebook.

Have you got PALS in your school?

Please contact us on for any more information you may require.

Have a super month.

Thank you


Welcome To The September Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome To The September Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

As September comes to an end we hope you have all settled back into the new academic year and that all is going well for you.
September has kicked off with a big high for PALS Programme on many levels and we are delighted to update you with all our current news.

Transition Year Ireland TY Expo – September 2015 – The Hub, Kilkenny

Wow what an amazing 2 days we had in Kilkenny on the 15th and 16th of September at the first ever TY Expo hosted by the fantastic Transition Year Ireland.

We had a stand at the TY Expo for two days and it was brilliant to connect with TY Students, Teachers and TY Co Ordinators from all over the country. The students were amazing and I think they loved the idea of all things TY under the one roof.

It was a great opportunity for PALS Programme to network and connect with other organisations and businesses who provide workshops and programmes within the TY structure.

We had a fantastic time and you can see some photos on our facebook like page – PALS Programme.

A big thank you to Amanda, Edwin and all the team at Transition Year Ireland.
Looking forward to next year already.

Academic Year 2015-2016 PALS Programme Structure

Would you like PALS Programme in your school?

Contact us for more information and we will be happy to discuss all the options available to you including costs and diary availability.

Secondary School Programmes

PALS Programme for TY Students – 4 week Programme
PALS Programme for 5th and 6th Year LCA Students – 4 week Programme
PALS Programme for 1st Year Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for Student Mentors/ Leadership – Workshop
PALS Programme for Exam Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for Teachers – Workshop

Primary Schools

PALS Programme for 6th Class Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for 5th Class Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for Teachers – Workshop

Third Level Education

We are very excited about moving forward and expanding PALS Programme into third level education especially for first year students in college.

We are developing a programme at the moment and plan to launch it for 2015/2016 students.

If you are a lecturer or student in third level and you would like more information please contact us on

First Year Programme Delivered to 180 Students In Ratoath College

We are delighted we got to return to Ratoath College Co Meath again this year, to deliver the First Year PALS Programme Workshop during the second week of September.

We delivered the programme over three days, to an amazing group of 180 First Year Students.

This Programme, Making The Transition From Primary School Into Secondary School A Positive Experience, focuses on and includes practical tools and skills the students can use to help them settle into the new part of their school life.

The Team Exercises are always a big winner as this helps them connect with friends including new friends they have only just in First Year.
This group of students really embraced the SuperHero team exercise.
You can also see photos and comments as always on our facebook page.

Some of the feedback from the First Year Students :

– I really, really, really enjoyed it! Thanks Bee
– It was great fun and I loved the activities
– I really enjoyed PALS today because Bee was so nice and we did the Super Hero exercise.
– Top notch banter
– The best part was the acting
– I enjoyed class because of the ‘Bee’ jokes
– I love this class BEEcause of the bants
– I liked it because it gave me advice on how to be successful
– I enjoyed the company of Bee and what she spoke to us about
– It was fun and interesting and I was with my friends
– I loved PALS Programme because it was all very positive and fun
– I wish we could do PALS every week or even every month

Delighted to connect with Boyne Community School in Trim, Co Meath

In August we delivered the Mentoring and Leadership PALS Programme Workshop to 45 students in Boyne Community School, Trim, who will mentor the new incoming First Year Students.

This was a great morning connecting with the students before starting the new school year.
At the beginning of the month we started the 4 week PALS Programme with the incoming TY Students.

We are bringing in a new aspect around preparation for work experience looking at positive communication, interview skills and techniques and also CV preparation.

We will have an update on testimonials in next months blog.

PALS Career Coaching Programme For Teenagers and Young Adults

This programme helps teenagers and young adults on the beginning of their career journey whether they are looking for a part-time summer job or ready to embark on full-time employment.

The programme runs over three one hour sessions to help with all the preparation needed to get onto the career ladder.
The first session focuses on CV preparation.
A full tailored CV will make all the difference and will secure an interview for the student. The second session consists of interview preparation looking at areas of positive communication, confidence and an ability to promote the best of yourself.
The final session will focus on post interview analysis allowing feedback and a plan of action going forward. The success rate of job offers for students is gaining momentum and we are really happy with the results to date!

One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults Continues To Grow

We are so happy to see the awareness and understanding of our PALS one to one programme growing with parents and guardians. HQ is receiving several calls a week from parents enquiring about how PALS may help their teenagers or young adults.
PALS Programme has been designed to focus on many areas where challenges are faced.

The programme is adaptable to individuals and groups and will focus on bringing about positive changes in many areas. Sometimes a challenge which seems small and insignificant to an adult can actually be very overwhelming to a 12 or 13 year teenager.
Often the process of taking time out to look at positive experiences, strengths and attributes, can often help a teenager focus on all their good skills and in doing so they feel confident to grow and progress in other areas which they find more challenging.

Often the very act of taking time out to review our progress and development can be just the very activity which is needed to bring about positive changes in our lives. This one small change can have a very positive knock on effect and bring about big changes in several areas including school, social skills and general mental health and well being.

We have seen huge positive results almost immediately with our one to one clients. The sessions are tailored to the client and therefore can focus on the core areas of concern. Many students feel such a positive impact on their day to day lives that they want to continue maintaining this well into the future.

Sessions are delivered over 3, 6 or 9 sessions depending on the needs of the teenager or young adult. The process of the weekly or fortnightly sessions allows time for the student to introduce new habits and complete the weekly action plan.
All in all the overall result is very very positive!
Big congrats to all our one to one clients who have embraced the PALS Programme both positively and proactively.


PALS_PROGRAMME is now on Instagram! Please follow us

Remember you can follow us on twitter @palsprogramme and also you can like our page on facebook.
Have you got PALS in your school?
Please contact us on for any more information you may require.

Have a super month.

Thank you


Welcome To The July Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome To The July Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

As the summer holidays get underway for students, it is still a busy time for our PALS Programme team as we look at the new school year kicking off at the end of August. Lots of new plans underway and more ‘Firsts’ for PALS Programme which you can read about in this month’s blog.

Exam students can take a well-deserved break after the months leading up to June exams. Switch off and take some down time to recharge the batteries and reconnect with friends and family. I know for many parents it can feel like they actually sat the exams alongside their sons and daughters!

PALS Career Coaching Programme For Teenagers and Young Adults

Here is a lovely testimonial from a client who recently did the PALS Career Coaching Programme.

“I am delighted to say I attended two interviews recently and was offered both jobs after completing the PALS Career Coaching Programme with Bee. My confidence is growing every day and I feel happier in general in all areas of my life. My family have even noticed it. Time with Bee helped me focus on my strengths and qualities, even though I am only 19, I now know I have a lot to offer an employer. I have decided to continue sessions with PALS One to One focusing on my plans for college and increasing my network of friends. I feel less shy and ready to approach social activities in a more positive and confident way. Thank you so much Bee.” David, Student.

This programme helps teenagers and young adults on the beginning of their career journey whether they are looking for a part-time summer job or ready to embark on full-time employment.

The programme runs over three one hour sessions to help with all the preparation needed to get onto the career ladder.

The first session focuses on CV preparation. A full tailored CV will make all the difference and will secure an interview for the student. The second session consists of interview preparation looking at areas of positive communication, confidence and an ability to promote the best of yourself. The final session will focus on post interview analysis allowing feedback and a plan of action going forward. The success rate of job offers for students is gaining momentum and we are really happy with the results to date!

Academic Year 2015-2016 PALS Programme Structure

Would you like PALS Programme in your school?

Contact us for more information and we will be happy to discuss all the options available to you including costs and diary availability.

Secondary School Programmes

PALS Programme for TY Students – 4 week Programme
PALS Programme for 5th and 6th Year LCA Students – 4 week Programme
PALS Programme for 1st Year Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for Student Mentors/ Leadership – Workshop
PALS Programme for Exam Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for Teachers – Workshop

Primary Schools

PALS Programme for 6th Class Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for 5th Class Students – Workshop
PALS Programme for Teachers – Workshop

Third Level Education

We are very excited about moving forward and expanding PALS Programme into third level education especially for first year students in college.

We are developing a programme at the moment and plan to launch it for 2015/2016 students.
If you are a lecturer or student in third level and you would like more information please contact us on

Another First For PALS Programme

PALS Programme For Parents

We are delighted to say we are now extending our PALS Programme for parents of preteens, teenagers and young adults.
In September we will launch the PALS Programme for Parents with an afternoon introductory workshop with a view to delivering a 6 week course.

This programme will focus on positive communication for parents especially around the areas of challenges or difficulties.
Being a parent isn’t easy no matter what stage your children are at however preteens and teenagers bring about a different view of parenting and having the skills and positive attitude to manage this can be hugely beneficial.

How do we stay positive and assertive when under pressure and feeling worn-out?
How do we stay happy and fun loving while remaining assertive?
How do we put ourselves first so we can manage stress positively?

If you would like to know more about this programme or you would like to join the mailing list for PALS Programme for Parents please email us on

PALS Programme Interview Preparation Coaching

Do you have an interview coming up?

A good CV will get you the interview but you will get yourself the job!
Being prepared and confident when attending an interview is immediately noticed by the interviewer and connecting on a personal level from the beginning can really help in securing your new role.

Interview Prep Coaching will help you focus on your self-belief, your confidence and will give you the ability to put yourself forward in the best possible way.

This coaching takes about 90 minutes and well worth the investment as the success rate of securing a new job is extremely high.
In the last month alone we got feedback from the 5 clients who came for Interview Prep Coaching to say they secured the job!

A lovely thank you card from a client!

“A belated thank you for your help earlier this year with the interview preparation. The session we had was fantastic and you gave me a confidence I didn’t know I had. I was able to face my first interview in 15 years believing in my ability and skills and went in armed with the confidence to highlight these. Thank you so much for your patience, warmth and understanding during our session. I look forward to starting my new job next week. I am very thankful for the support you gave me on the way. With gratitude, love Annette. “

One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults Continues To Grow

We are so happy to see the awareness and understanding of our PALS one to one programme growing with parents and guardians. HQ is receiving several calls a week from parents enquiring about how PALS may help their teenagers or young adults.
PALS Programme has been designed to focus on many areas where challenges are faced.

The programme is adaptable to individuals and groups and will focus on bringing about positive changes in many areas. Sometimes a challenge which seems small and insignificant to an adult can actually be very overwhelming to a 12 or 13 year teenager. Often the process of taking time out to look at positive experiences, strengths and attributes, can often help a teenager focus on all their good skills and in doing so they feel confident to grow and progress in other areas which they find more challenging.
Often the very act of taking time out to review our progress and development can be just the very activity which is needed to bring about positive changes in our lives. This one small change can have a very positive knock on effect and bring about big changes in several areas including school, social skills and general mental health and well being.

We have seen huge positive results almost immediately with our one to one clients. The sessions are tailored to the client and therefore can focus on the core areas of concern. Many students feel such a positive impact on their day to day lives that they want to continue maintaining this well into the future.

Sessions are delivered over 3, 6 or 9 sessions depending on the needs of the teenager or young adult. The process of the weekly or fortnightly sessions allows time for the student to introduce new habits and complete the weekly action plan.
All in all the overall result is very very positive!

Big congrats to all our one to one clients who have embraced the PALS Programme both positively and proactively.


PALS_PROGRAMME is now on Instagram! Please follow us

Remember you can follow us on twitter @palsprogramme and also you can like our page on facebook.
Have you got PALS in your school?

Please contact us on for any more information you may require.

Have a super month.

Thank you


Welcome To The May Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome To The May Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

This has been another busy month for PALS Programme with lots of new exciting things happening!

How To Manage Exam Stress

As we approach the end of another academic year the focus for students now is on end of year exams and study preparation for Junior and Leaving Cert exams.

It can be a stressful time for both students and parents where tensions can be heightened.

We have shared a link here with some advice and tips for coping with exam stress which may help.–advice-for-young-people/8393?gclid=CN-TrYivusUCFTTKtAodhGAAng

PALS Programme For Primary School Students

We are currently developing a PALS Programme workshop for 5th and 6th class primary school students as preparation for their transition into second level education. The focus of this programme is to introduce positive life skills to prepare students and help them embrace this huge milestone with an enjoyable and fun mindset.
If you are a parent of a 5th or 6th class student and you would like to see PALS Programme in your child’s school please let us know.

Maybe you are a primary school teacher and you would like to know more about how PALS Programme can work in your school. If so please contact us for more information or to arrange a meeting to discuss this in more detail.

One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults Continues To Grow

We are so happy to see the awareness and understanding of our PALS one to one programme growing with parents and guardians.
HQ is receiving several calls a week from parents enquiring about how PALS may help their teenagers or young adults.
PALS Programme has been designed to focus on many areas where challenges are faced.

The programme is adaptable to individuals and groups and will focus on bringing about positive changes in many areas. Sometimes a challenge which seems small and insignificant to an adult can actually be very overwhelming to a 12 or 13 year teenager. Often the process of taking time out to look at positive experiences, strengths and attributes, can often help a teenager focus on all their good skills and in doing so they feel confident to grow and progress in other areas which they find more challenging. Often the very act of taking time out to review our progress and development can be just the very activity which is needed to bring about positive changes in our lives. This one small change can have a very positive knock on effect and bring about big changes in several areas including school, social skills and general mental health and well being.

We have seen huge positive results almost immediately with our one to one clients. The sessions are tailored to the client and therefore can focus on the core areas of concern. Many students feel such a positive impact on their day to day lives that they want to continue maintaining this well into the future.

Sessions are delivered over 3, 6 or 9 sessions depending on the needs of the teenager or young adult. The process of the weekly or fortnightly sessions allows time for the student to introduce new habits and complete the weekly action plan.

All in all the overall result is very very positive!

Big congrats to all our one to one clients who have embraced the PALS Programme both positively and proactively.

Another First For PALS Programme!!!

PALS Career Coaching Programme For Teenagers and Young Adults

On the back of the success of our One to One PALS Programme with students we are so happy to introduce our new Career Coaching Programme.

This programme helps teenagers and young adults on the beginning of their career journey whether they are looking for a part-time summer job or ready to embark on full-time employment.

This programme runs over three one hour sessions to help with all the preparation needed to get onto the career ladder.

The first session focuses on CV preparation. A full tailored CV will make all the difference and will secure an interview for the student. The second session consists of interview preparation looking at areas of positive communication, confidence and an ability to promote the best of yourself.
The final session will focus on post interview analysis allowing feedback and a plan of action going forward. The success rate of job offers for students is gaining momentum and we are really happy with the results to date!

Incoming TY Students and First Year Students for September 2015

Are you a TY Co Ordinator or First Year teacher?

Would you like PALS Programme in your school?

Contact us for more information and we will be happy to discuss all the options available to you including costs and diary availability.

PALS Programme Webinars with the IIC&M

We are excited about our upcoming monthly webinars which we deliver with the
International Institute Of Coaching and Mentoring. Our next webinar will be held on 28th May 2015.

PALS Programme Recent Events

We recently delivered a Positive Networking Workshop with the Ashbourne Chamber of Commerce which was a great success.
The audience included seasoned networkers alongside people just starting out in business and networking.
It was very well received by all who attended and everyone got something positive and new from the presentation, which they can bring forward into their professional lives.

We were delighted to get an invite to speak at a recent afternoon tea charity event with women in business. The theme of the presentation focused on Positive Communication through positive words and thoughts.

The audience was filled with wonderful amazing and inspirational ladies and we enjoyed this fantastic opportunity to connect with them all in the wonderful surroundings of Celbridge Manor Hotel.


PALS_PROGRAMME is now on Instagram! Please follow us

Remember you can follow us on twitter @palsprogramme and also you can like our page on facebook.

Have you got PALS in your school?

Please contact us on for any more information you may require.

Have a super month.

Thank you


Welcome To The March Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome To The March Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

March was certainly a month of many weathers and with an early Easter school holidays began at the end of March.
Hope you all enjoyed a nice Easter break and got some time out to enjoy life.

PALS Programme for TY Students in Ratoath College was completed this month.

Over 70 students in Transition Year from Ratoath College have completed the 4 week PALS Programme for 2015. An amazing group of students who totally embraced the PALS Programme and the objectives. It was fantastic to see how the students developed over the 4 sessions and some fantastic results were seen by several students who set goals in week 1.
We have included an overview of the 4 week programme which helps to identify the focus areas covered with students. All students fill in evaluation forms in the last session and this feedback is vital to the progress and expansion of PALS Programme around the country.
Also included in this months blog are some comments made by students on the evaluation forms. All names are changed to protect identity and also to ensure confidentiality.

PALS Programme overview

Week One – Goal Setting, Coping Triangle, Attitude of Gratitude
Week Two – Personal Values, Personal Responsibility, Motivation
Week Three – Lifting Limiting Beliefs, Positive Communication
Week Four – Going Forward, Personal Mission Statement, Feedback

PALS Programme Evaluations and Feedback from January, February and March Courses

What I enjoyed most about the PALS Programme…………………………
– I enjoyed setting goals and watching them happen especially goals I never thought I could achieve. Kelly, 15
– I mostly liked the quotes and inspirational stories, there could be lots more stories. I LOVED PALS and wish we dd it in First year. The Gratitude Journal is a fab idea! – Jenny, 17
– I enjoyed the group work and the quotes for the week. I also liked the action plans and setting goals for each week. John, 16.
– I enjoyed the fact that I felt more positive as a result of the programme and I was more grateful for what I have. Nicola, 16
– The encouragement made me feel more confidence in myself. – Thomas, 17
– Bee is a really nice and positive person and it was really enjoyable and fun being in class with her because she taught us a lot about being positive. The overall programme was really insightul. Donna, 15.
– I enjoyed learning about how to understand my values and knowing what my values are and also the team work. James, 16
– I really enjoyed the effect PALS Programme had on my life. I feel much more positive and happy within my life. Sally, 17
– I enjoyed the fact that Bee presented the PALS Programme really well and made everyone feel much more confident in themselves. Paul, 16
– Learning to be more positive and I can achieve anything I put my mind to. Conor, 17
– I enjoyed talking about myself and feeling more positive. Tara, 15

PALS Programme For Primary School Students

We are currently developing a PALS Programme workshop for 5th and 6th class primary school students as preparation for their transition into second level education. The focus of this programme is to introduce positive life skills to prepare students and help them embrace this huge milestone with an enjoyable and fun mindset.
Watch out for more information as we are planning to launch this very shortly!

One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults Continues To Grow

We are so happy to see the awareness and understanding of our PALS one to one programme growing with parents and guardians. HQ is receiving several calls a week from parents enquiring if PALS may help their teenagers or young adults.
PALS Programme has been designed to focus on many areas where challenges are faced. The programme is adaptable to individuals and groups and will focus on bringing about positive changes in many areas. Sometimes a challenge which seems small and insignificant to an adult can actually be very overwhelming to a 12 or 13 year teenager. Often the process of taking time out to look at positive experiences, strengths and attributes, can often help a teenager focus on all their good skills and in doing so they feel confident to grow and progress in other areas which they find more challenging. Often the very act of taking time out to review our progress and development can be just the very activity which is needed to bring about positive changes in our lives. This one small change can have a very positive knock on effect and bring about big changes in several areas including school, social skills and general mental health and well being.
We have seen huge positive results almost immediately with our one to one clients. The sessions are tailored to the client and therefore can focus on the core areas of concern. Many students feel such a positive impact on their day to day lives that they want to continue maintaining this well into the future.
Sessions are delivered over 3, 6 or 9 sessions depending on the needs of the teenager or young adult. The process of the weekly or fortnightly sessions allows time for the student to introduce new habits and complete the weekly action plan.
All in all the overall result is very very positive!
Big congrats to all our one to one clients who have embraced the PALS Programme both positively and proactively.


PALS_PROGRAMME is now on Instagram! Please follow us

Remember you can follow us on twitter @palsprogramme and also you can like our page on facebook.

Have you got PALS in your school?

Please contact us on for any more information you may require.
Have a super month.

Thank you

Welcome To The February Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome To The February Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

We hope you all enjoyed a nice midterm break.
The focus for many students in February was on study plans and the mock exams.

This is often the final chance to focus on the study plan in preparation for the Junior and Leaving Cert Exams.
Hope you are all happy with the results coming back to you!

One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults Continues To Grow

We are so happy to see the awareness and understanding of our PALS one to one programme growing with parents and guardians. HQ is receiving several calls a week from parents enquiring if PALS may help their teenagers or young adults.

PALS Programme has been designed to focus on many areas where challenges are faced. The programme is adaptable to individuals and groups and will focus on bringing about positive changes in many areas. Sometimes a challenge which seems small and insignificant to an adult can actually be very overwhelming to a 12 or 13 year teenager.

Often the process of taking time out to look at positive experiences, strengths and attributes, can often help a teenager focus on all their good skills and in doing so they feel confident to grow and progress in other areas which they find more challenging. Often the very act of taking time out to review our progress and development can be just the very activity which is needed to bring about positive changes in our lives. This one small change can have a very positive knock on effect and bring about big changes in several areas including school, social skills and general mental health and well being.

We have seen huge positive results almost immediately with our one to one clients. The sessions are tailored to the client and therefore can focus on the core areas of concern. Many students feel such a positive impact on their day to day lives that they want to continue maintaining this well into the future.

Sessions are delivered over 3, 6 or 9 sessions depending on the needs of the teenager or young adult. The process of the weekly or fortnightly sessions allows time for the student to introduce new habits and complete the weekly action plan.
All in all the overall result is very very positive!
Big congrats to all our one to one clients who have embraced the PALS Programme both positively and proactively.

Mindfulness and Meditation

We are delighted to announce plans for introducing Mindfulness and Meditation to our PALS Programme for both schools and businesses.

Awareness of how Mindfulness can impact on our day to day life in a very positive and empowering way is growing all of the time.


We would like to deliver this to all students but especially the exam year students.
Mindfulness can be practised anywhere and anytime – all we need to do is to remember to practise it. This is particularly helpful for students sitting in the exam room with the exam paper in front of them. The benefits of Mindfulness can include a reduction in stress, anxiety and panic, a sense of calm when everything is chaotic, an awareness of how important it is to breath well all of the time.


We would like to deliver Mindfulness to the corporate sector to bring about the huge importance of taking some time out every day to clear the mind and recharge the batteries.
The positive impact on the individuals and teams who do this practice are varied and may be measured with increase productivity on a day to day basis in the business.
Absenteeism may greatly reduce if we can help people manage their stress through Mindfulness and Meditation.

Watch out for more details to come and if you would like more information please contact us.


Remember you can follow us on twitter @palsprogramme and also you can like our page on facebook.

Have you got PALS in your school?

Please contact us on for any more information you may require.

Have a super month.
Thank you
