Monthly Archives: January 2014

Welcome to the February issue of our PALS Programme Blog


Wow what an amazing start to the year for PALS Programme.

PALS Programme in schools

We have had a flurry of activity in so many areas and we are delighted to see more and more people becoming aware of PALS Programme. The feedback through evaluation forms from the students in invaluable and enables PALS to grown and develop. To see the growth taking place with students over the four week programme is really amazing. Observing the positive increase in feelings of wellbeing confirms the purpose of PALS and motivates us to grow and expand. It is our belief that every child is entitled to live positive, happy and well balanced lives.

The development of PALS  begin nearly 5 years ago when I launched the programme initially with TY Students in mind as it worked very well with the CSPE and SPHE curriculum within the education system.

Three years ago I was delighted when Ratoath College agreed to allow me to pilot the programme and the feedback from the first group of TY students was invaluable to the progress of PALS. To date nearly 500 students in the Meath and Louth area have received the PALS Programme in school.

During the last 3 years PALS has grown, developed and expanded allowing more children to benefit from the programme. I now deliver PALS to first year students at the beginning of their school year in early September, which helps them focus on the positive transition from primary school into secondary school. I also deliver PALS to exam year students in both 3rd and 6th year in preparation for their Junior and Leaving Cert exams. These programmes take place at the end of August before the students start school.

Most recently PALS Programme has been adapted for primary school students, in particular 5th and 6th Class students preparing to leave primary school and make the big transition into secondary school.

My aim is to establish the PALS Programme within our primary and secondary school communities  to create positive life skills from an early age and provide continuity for the children as they move from pre teens into teens  and on to young adults, empowered with positive and assertive life skills for the world we live in today.

PALS can be delivered in primary schools in  a one off session to each class or over a 4 week programme. The programme can be adapted to each individual school depending on class sizes and school budgets.

If you are a teacher, SNA or a parent and you would like more information on our PALS Programme please contact us to discuss how you can bring PALS into your school. You can email us at


We are also available to deliver PALS Programme presentation for schools with both teachers and/or parents.


Feedback from some Transition Year students who completed the PALS Programme recently :


“PALS was really motivating and it helped me understand myself more. Thank you Bee”

“I thought it was fabulous. It really made me think about things more”

“I learned a lot and it helped me understand more about positive thinking. I have really benefited from this. I would recommend it and I would like to do it in 6th year before my leaving cert”

“Thank you Bee. I really enjoyed the mission statement bit,it was very helpful. It was nice to verbalise and write down beliefs and goals!”



PALS Programme in Business


The beauty of PALS is that it can be adapted to suit any group, organisation or business. We are delighted to say we delivered a one day PALS Programme workshop in the L’Oreal Professionel Academy recently to a well established Hair Salon and their team of 17 staff. This day was a huge success and participants ranged in age from late teens to early 50’s. Feedback on the day was fantastic and they all enjoyed the opportunity to look at how to increase and develop more positive and assertive life skills. We are looking forward to expanding our client base in this industry.


Feedback from participants in PALS Programme for business

“The day was excellent. Very enjoyable on both a professional and a personal basis. The delivery of the course was brilliant”

“Really enjoyed the day Bee. I would love to do a little more in the future maybe a half day every now and then. Thank you thank you thank you”

“I thoroughly enjoyed today. I found you very friendly and felt like you put us at ease. You were very knowledgeable about everything you spoke about and answered questions very clearly. Thank you for today Bee”

“I loved the positivity amongst the team and feel we will all be thinking the same going forward”

“I felt today that I was able to discover new things about myself and have a better understanding of others. I feel more positive about myself and my future”


More exciting news to follow with the month ahead focusing on increasing awareness of PALS Programme and also planning ahead to the new school year for 2014/2015


Thank you

Have a super February



PALS Programme – Welcome to 2014 Goal Setting

Welcome to the first blog post of 2014.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed celebrations into the New Year.

For most people January is all about getting back on track and revisiting goals and desires you would like to achieve. Setting goals is about discovering the very essence behind the goal. If you think about how you would like to feel when you achieve a goal this will help you gain more clarity around the goals you would like to set. Remember your goals are your goals. If you set goals that others feel you need to achieve, you may find it challenging. Take a few minutes out this week to look at all you have accomplished and achieved in 2013. Take time out to review what you would like to accomplish this year. Goals can change as our life direction may change. Remember to be flexible with your goals and stay focused to remain on track. Keep your goals where you can see them – either in a diary or on a vision board or wall chart. What we focus on we will achieve and never underestimate the power of the written word. Goals need to be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed. Use this as you look at setting your goals. Remember also that we have short, mid and long term goals. Focus on what you would like to achieve by the end of 2014 first, then work back to what you will need to do in the next 6 months to be on track for the year and then look at what needs to happen short term within the next month for you to get right on track!

In our PALS  4 week Programme for TY Students we focus in week one on understanding goals and how to set goals for a successful future. The students look at what goals they would like to achieve over the next 4 weeks and we review them at the end of the programme. Several types of goals are set including wanting to feel more self-confident, having better time management, getting healthier or spending quality time with family. The students write their goals in their gratitude journals and can review them each week.

A goal is still a dream until it is written down.

Enjoy the first week of 2014!


Bee Flanagan

086 8094924