We have definitely settled back into the school year now!
Well the first month of the new school year has flown by so fast, although the nice sunshine for the month of September certainly made the transition into routine a little bit easier.
Being in a routine can be really beneficial both on a personal level and also an academic and professional level. It allows us to bring more structure into our day to day lives and helps us get back on track. For students it certainly helps with organisation skills and time management which is always beneficial.
The PALS team are certainly back on track and settling into another academic year.
Making The Transition From Primary School To Secondary School A Positive Experience – PALS Programme’s First Year Workshop
Wow we were delighted to get the opportunity in September to deliver our first year PALS Programme to 210 students in Ratoath College. We ran this one off workshop during the retreat days for the students. The workshop was delivered over 2 hours and looked at areas relating to the transition from primary school into secondary school. It was a really insightful, fun and positive experience for all involved – including our team and their teachers.
We met wonderful amazing students who enlightened us with their humour, maturity and also their understanding of the importance of feeling positive and happy on a day to day basis.
We spent a morning with each class, 7 classes all together delivering our PALS Programme. The students really embraced the workshop and enjoyed team exercises too. Their feedback was excellent and we feel they have great fun while also learning and opening up to new ways of thinking. They are now equipped with some new skills to coping with the transition from primary to secondary school.
We look forward to expanding this workshop into other schools so as more students can get an opportunity to develop new life skills for moving forward on their new journey into secondary school.
Some Feedback From First Year Students
We got amazing feedback from all 210 students but we have just selected a few to give a general idea of how they enjoyed the PALS Programme. These are exactly as the students have written them and we were particularly impressed with the last feedback comment.
Good, interesting, subject that will help me in school life.
I think the PALS Programme is a great and smart idea. Well done.
I enjoyed this lesson, I thought it was really fun and it will help a lot of children.
I enjoyed PALS and I think that every first year should have this programme. It was really interesting.
I enjoyed PALS Programme because I thought it was really helpful and that we should have the programme once a year.
It was great for first years and I would love to do this again
I enjoyed the PALS Programme today! I thought the super hero idea was cool and I think it really helped. THANK YOU!
I think it was really helpful. Thank you for taking the time to do this with us
I thought it was a great exercise and I wish I could do this every week
I enjoyed the PALS Programme. It was very good to learn about our feelings and fears and different ways to be happy. I am very happy that we were able for Bee to come in. I enjoyed the class lots and hope we can do it again. Thank you!
I thought today was very enjoyable and fun. Every first year should have this class on their retreat. It was very helpful.
I like team work and you are very very lovely. Thank you.
I liked when we wrote our thoughts about each other. PS thank you for the gratitude journal.
It is amazing and fun. Bee is really positive and kind. I’d love to have PALS again.
I liked PALS .I had fun. I kept laughing. It was great.
I thought this was great maybe do it once a month, HAPPY, the lady was really nice.
I thought it was really good and I liked how we talked about secondary school.
PALS was really fun and we got to miss class. I would love to do this again.
I liked when we said what we thought about each other.
Interacting with friends and having a laugh. Talking about life and helping me to be more positive.
In my opinion I think the PALS Programme is a very needed part of school because it is a very positive and enjoyable way of interacting with children of our age and it could help detect depression at a young age. I really enjoyed the interactive work during our class and I think Bee should continue her work as it is a wonderful concept and I would have no doubt that it will continue to help and motivate children around this area. I think it should become a regular way of helping children doing their junior and leaving cert as it would stop fears and definitely improve scores and stop depression and antisocialness. Overall I think this is an amazing programme which you should be very proud to be part of and I hope you continue your work.
We are delighted to say that we are continuing with our PALS Programme expansion and connection with similar groups involved with the health and well being of teenagers and young adults.
We will have more updates on this in our blog next month.
Social Media
Remember you can follow us on twitter @palsprogramme and also you can like our page on facebook.
Have you got PALS in your school?
Please contact us on palsprogramme@gmail.com for any more information you may require.
Have a super month.
Thank you