Welcome To The January Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog
How was the start of 2015 for you?
PALS Programme got the year off to a flying start and it has been all go in our HQ for January.
Lots of exciting news and projects lined up for the year ahead.
Again Another First For PALS Programme — TY EXPO 2015
We are delighted to announce that PALS Programme will be involved with this year’s TY Expo in September in Kilkenny. This two day event houses all of the Transition Year options and curriculum choices under one roof and is open to students and teachers from all over the country.
Thank you to Transition Year Ireland for inviting PALS Programme to attend this two day event. We are very proud to be involved and really excited about our programme reaching a bigger audience nationwide.
You can check out www.transitionyearireland.com for more information and to book tickets. We will bring you more updates throughout the year on this fantastic event.
PALS Programme For Transition Year Students Returns to Ratoath College For The Fourth Year
We are delighted to return to Ratoath College, Co Meath to deliver our 4 week PALS Programme for Transition Year Students. We will deliver this to over 70 students in 3 groups over the next two months.
Interaction from previous students who participated in PALS is still very active and regular.
PALS Programme values the rapport built with students and follow up communication is always welcome. Students often feedback personal achievements, videos or books they found inspiring and motivational, also general news about their lives at the moment. We love to hear all their updates via our social media pages on facebook and twitter. So please keep them coming!
PALS Programme For Primary School Students
We are currently developing a PALS Programme workshop for 5th and 6th class primary school students as preparation for their transition into second level education. The focus of this programme is to introduce positive life skills to prepare students and help them embrace this huge milestone with an enjoyable and fun mindset.
Watch out for more information as we are planning to launch this very shortly!
One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults Continues To Grow
We are so happy to see the awareness and understanding of our PALS one to one programme growing with parents and guardians. HQ is receiving several calls a week from parents enquiring if PALS may help their teenagers or young adults.
PALS Programme has been designed to focus on many areas where challenges are faced. The programme is adaptable to individuals and groups and will focus on bringing about positive changes in many areas. Sometimes a challenge which seems small and insignificant to an adult can actually be very overwhelming to a 12 or 13 year teenager. Often the process of taking time out to look at positive experiences, strengths and attributes, can often help a teenager focus on all their good skills and in doing so they feel confident to grow and progress in other areas which they find more challenging. Often the very act of taking time out to review our progress and development can be just the very activity which is needed to bring about positive changes in our lives. This one small change can have a very positive knock on effect and bring about big changes in several areas including school, social skills and general mental health and well being.
Social Media
Remember you can follow us on twitter @palsprogramme and also you can like our page on facebook.
Have you got PALS in your school?
Please contact us on palsprogramme@gmail.com for any more information you may require.
Have a super month.
Thank you