Monthly Archives: May 2015

Welcome To The May Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome To The May Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

This has been another busy month for PALS Programme with lots of new exciting things happening!

How To Manage Exam Stress

As we approach the end of another academic year the focus for students now is on end of year exams and study preparation for Junior and Leaving Cert exams.

It can be a stressful time for both students and parents where tensions can be heightened.

We have shared a link here with some advice and tips for coping with exam stress which may help.–advice-for-young-people/8393?gclid=CN-TrYivusUCFTTKtAodhGAAng

PALS Programme For Primary School Students

We are currently developing a PALS Programme workshop for 5th and 6th class primary school students as preparation for their transition into second level education. The focus of this programme is to introduce positive life skills to prepare students and help them embrace this huge milestone with an enjoyable and fun mindset.
If you are a parent of a 5th or 6th class student and you would like to see PALS Programme in your child’s school please let us know.

Maybe you are a primary school teacher and you would like to know more about how PALS Programme can work in your school. If so please contact us for more information or to arrange a meeting to discuss this in more detail.

One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults Continues To Grow

We are so happy to see the awareness and understanding of our PALS one to one programme growing with parents and guardians.
HQ is receiving several calls a week from parents enquiring about how PALS may help their teenagers or young adults.
PALS Programme has been designed to focus on many areas where challenges are faced.

The programme is adaptable to individuals and groups and will focus on bringing about positive changes in many areas. Sometimes a challenge which seems small and insignificant to an adult can actually be very overwhelming to a 12 or 13 year teenager. Often the process of taking time out to look at positive experiences, strengths and attributes, can often help a teenager focus on all their good skills and in doing so they feel confident to grow and progress in other areas which they find more challenging. Often the very act of taking time out to review our progress and development can be just the very activity which is needed to bring about positive changes in our lives. This one small change can have a very positive knock on effect and bring about big changes in several areas including school, social skills and general mental health and well being.

We have seen huge positive results almost immediately with our one to one clients. The sessions are tailored to the client and therefore can focus on the core areas of concern. Many students feel such a positive impact on their day to day lives that they want to continue maintaining this well into the future.

Sessions are delivered over 3, 6 or 9 sessions depending on the needs of the teenager or young adult. The process of the weekly or fortnightly sessions allows time for the student to introduce new habits and complete the weekly action plan.

All in all the overall result is very very positive!

Big congrats to all our one to one clients who have embraced the PALS Programme both positively and proactively.

Another First For PALS Programme!!!

PALS Career Coaching Programme For Teenagers and Young Adults

On the back of the success of our One to One PALS Programme with students we are so happy to introduce our new Career Coaching Programme.

This programme helps teenagers and young adults on the beginning of their career journey whether they are looking for a part-time summer job or ready to embark on full-time employment.

This programme runs over three one hour sessions to help with all the preparation needed to get onto the career ladder.

The first session focuses on CV preparation. A full tailored CV will make all the difference and will secure an interview for the student. The second session consists of interview preparation looking at areas of positive communication, confidence and an ability to promote the best of yourself.
The final session will focus on post interview analysis allowing feedback and a plan of action going forward. The success rate of job offers for students is gaining momentum and we are really happy with the results to date!

Incoming TY Students and First Year Students for September 2015

Are you a TY Co Ordinator or First Year teacher?

Would you like PALS Programme in your school?

Contact us for more information and we will be happy to discuss all the options available to you including costs and diary availability.

PALS Programme Webinars with the IIC&M

We are excited about our upcoming monthly webinars which we deliver with the
International Institute Of Coaching and Mentoring. Our next webinar will be held on 28th May 2015.

PALS Programme Recent Events

We recently delivered a Positive Networking Workshop with the Ashbourne Chamber of Commerce which was a great success.
The audience included seasoned networkers alongside people just starting out in business and networking.
It was very well received by all who attended and everyone got something positive and new from the presentation, which they can bring forward into their professional lives.

We were delighted to get an invite to speak at a recent afternoon tea charity event with women in business. The theme of the presentation focused on Positive Communication through positive words and thoughts.

The audience was filled with wonderful amazing and inspirational ladies and we enjoyed this fantastic opportunity to connect with them all in the wonderful surroundings of Celbridge Manor Hotel.


PALS_PROGRAMME is now on Instagram! Please follow us

Remember you can follow us on twitter @palsprogramme and also you can like our page on facebook.

Have you got PALS in your school?

Please contact us on for any more information you may require.

Have a super month.

Thank you
