Welcome To The January Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome To The January Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

How was the start of 2015 for you?

PALS Programme got the year off to a flying start and it has been all go in our HQ for January.
Lots of exciting news and projects lined up for the year ahead.

Again Another First For PALS Programme — TY EXPO 2015

We are delighted to announce that PALS Programme will be involved with this year’s TY Expo in September in Kilkenny. This two day event houses all of the Transition Year options and curriculum choices under one roof and is open to students and teachers from all over the country.

Thank you to Transition Year Ireland for inviting PALS Programme to attend this two day event. We are very proud to be involved and really excited about our programme reaching a bigger audience nationwide.
You can check out www.transitionyearireland.com for more information and to book tickets. We will bring you more updates throughout the year on this fantastic event.

PALS Programme For Transition Year Students Returns to Ratoath College For The Fourth Year

We are delighted to return to Ratoath College, Co Meath to deliver our 4 week PALS Programme for Transition Year Students. We will deliver this to over 70 students in 3 groups over the next two months.
Interaction from previous students who participated in PALS is still very active and regular.
PALS Programme values the rapport built with students and follow up communication is always welcome. Students often feedback personal achievements, videos or books they found inspiring and motivational, also general news about their lives at the moment. We love to hear all their updates via our social media pages on facebook and twitter. So please keep them coming!

PALS Programme For Primary School Students

We are currently developing a PALS Programme workshop for 5th and 6th class primary school students as preparation for their transition into second level education. The focus of this programme is to introduce positive life skills to prepare students and help them embrace this huge milestone with an enjoyable and fun mindset.
Watch out for more information as we are planning to launch this very shortly!

One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults Continues To Grow

We are so happy to see the awareness and understanding of our PALS one to one programme growing with parents and guardians. HQ is receiving several calls a week from parents enquiring if PALS may help their teenagers or young adults.

PALS Programme has been designed to focus on many areas where challenges are faced. The programme is adaptable to individuals and groups and will focus on bringing about positive changes in many areas. Sometimes a challenge which seems small and insignificant to an adult can actually be very overwhelming to a 12 or 13 year teenager. Often the process of taking time out to look at positive experiences, strengths and attributes, can often help a teenager focus on all their good skills and in doing so they feel confident to grow and progress in other areas which they find more challenging. Often the very act of taking time out to review our progress and development can be just the very activity which is needed to bring about positive changes in our lives. This one small change can have a very positive knock on effect and bring about big changes in several areas including school, social skills and general mental health and well being.

Social Media

Remember you can follow us on twitter @palsprogramme and also you can like our page on facebook.

Have you got PALS in your school?

Please contact us on palsprogramme@gmail.com for any more information you may require.

Have a super month.

Thank you


Welcome To The December Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Another First For PALS Programme!

On the 8th December we delivered our first PALS Programme Presentation for the Women In Business section of Meath Local Enterprise Office, in Navan, Co Meath.

This presentation focused on Creating Positive Communication in Business and was a great success with all in attendance. The group really embraced the positive and assertive ethos of PALS and participated really well during the presentation. It was great to get positive feedback the following day from some of the ladies who attended the event.

One lady even dedicated her blog to our PALS Programme Presentation as she felt so motivated after the presentation. You can read Cat’s blog at www.entrepreneurparentcentral.com

PALS Programme Webinars In Association With The IIC&M

This month we delivered our final webinar for 2014 and we look forward to continuing our involvement with the IIC&M throughout 2015.

During 2014 we delivered monthly webinars in the education stream of mindset and attitude which included
– Identifying Your Role As A Coach
– Time Management and Organisation Skills
– The Power of Positive Thinking
– Mindfulness and Meditation
– Understanding The Magic Of Gratitude
– Positive and Assertive Ways To Say No

All of these presentations can be delivered to corporate, educational and community based organisations too.

PALS Programme CV and Interview Preparation Coaching For Students

We are delighted to say that we can now offer Interview Preparation Coaching to students preparing for either full time work or work experience. We had sessions with several students and the success rate was really good. Preparation is the key to success.
A good CV with get you the interview and a good interview will get you the job!

PALS Programme Evaluations and Feedback From November And December Courses

What I enjoyed most about the PALS Programme ……

– I enjoyed the team exercises because it helped me get on with my classmates – John, 16

– Bees friendly and helping character. Developing a positive attitude and all success is possible –Amy, 15

– I enjoyed learning how to be positive and have a good outlook on life. I also gained more confidence and now enjoy myself more – Sarah, 16

– I enjoyed the atmosphere the class had every week during PALS. It was positive and happy – Carol 15

– I enjoyed doing my Mission Statement because now I know who and what I want to do. I know my priorities. “Don’t tell me the sky is the limit when there are footsteps on the moon” – Kim, 16

– Everything – Jo, 15

– I loved knowing how to improve my mental health and by thinking more positively as it changes my perspective on things a lot and I am so grateful because I am so much happier! – Ciara, 16

– I enjoyed the team work activities the most because I communicated with people in my class I usually wouldn’t communicate with – Dave, 16

– It was fun and interesting and I feel a lot more confident and happier in myself. I also got a lot closer to the girls in the class and I pushed myself outside of my comfort zone. Thank you so much Bee. You are amazing! – Eillie, 15

– The thing I enjoyed most was the Gratitude Journal because I found that it really worked – Harry, 16

– I really enjoyed knowing that every week for 4 weeks I was able to come into an hour of complete positivity, encouragement and self-esteem building. – Tara, 15

– The team work exercises, learning some of my values and doing the Gratitude Journal. – Ann, 15

– The laughs we had and the sweets! – Tom. 16

– Writing down my goals to see if I can achieve them. – Sam, 16

– I enjoyed learning about ways to become more positive and also the team building exercises in the group – Paul, 16

– The whole programme and getting to learn how to think more positively and I would like to do PALS again! – Michelle, 17

– PALS did work for me and I was looking forward to each session. I also noticed the difference in myself and my class mates – Nicola, 18

– I enjoyed the way Bee taught us to be more positive about life! I really enjoyed everything in this programme! I think we should do this at least once a month! – Ruth, 17

– Everything especially how Bee made us feel more positive – Donna, 18

– I enjoyed the way Bee presented it. – Dan, 17

– I enjoyed interacting with Bee when we were talking about real life scenarios –Jack, 18

– Bee presented the programme really well and I enjoyed the interesting stories she told us. She made me feel very positive – Aidan, 18

– I enjoyed talking about my future and my career goals – Jessica, 18

– More confident to be who I want to be in the future – Donal, 17

– Doing my Mission Statement and just the way everything was so positive. Thanks Bee! – Ann – 18

One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults

Our PALS one to one programme is growing every week. We are delivering PALS to teenagers and young adults in weekly or fortnightly sessions. These sessions are tailored to the individual based on their own needs which include time management, positive communication, self confidence and acceptance. The programme can be delivered in 3, 6 or 9 sessions initially with a view to continuing with monthly sessions to help stay on track. The benefits seen by both parents and students are huge and really help bring a sense of understanding about life and how wonderful it really is. All of our sessions are student focused and relevant to their lives as teenagers and young adults. A few small changes can make an enormous difference and bring about positive impact in school, college andhome life.


We are continuing with our expansion of PALS into more areas and look forward to bringing news to you in the new year with our January blog.

Social Media

You can connect with PALS Programme on twitter @palsprogramme and on our
Facebookpage PALS Programme.
You can connect with us via our website to join our data base.
Please contact us on palsprogramme.ie for any more information you may require.

Thank you for all your support during 2014 and we look forward to connecting with you all again in the new year.

Wishing you all a very happy and positive year ahead in 2015!

Thank you


Welcome To The November Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Full steam ahead after mid term break!!!

Wow the year is really flying in! Hard to believe mid term is over already.
We had a busy mid term at PALS planning ahead for new programmes commencing this month.

PALS Programme for Transition Year Students

It is great to be back in Cooley, Co Louth with Bush Post Primary school to deliver PALS Programme to this year’s Transition Year students. The teachers felt the programme really helped their students last year so they are delighted to run with it again. Week one of the four week programme has already been delivered and the students have really embraced PALS already! The focus in week one is on establishing goals for the next four weeks, looking at the use of positive communication every day and implementing a daily PALS Programme gratitude journal. They have an action plan to follow each week which helps them stay on track! Looking forward to week two already!

PALS Programme for Leaving Cert Applied Students

We are delighted to extend our PALS programme even further and we are returning to Ratoath College, Co Meath next week to start a 4 week programme for the 5th and 6th Year Students who are doing Leaving Cert Applied. Last year we delivered to 5th year LCA students and they really enjoyed the programme. The teachers saw the positive impact on the class and are delighted to extend it to this year’s 5th year group. We are looking forward to connecting with the students we met last year who are now in 6th year. PALS Programme aim is to deliver PALS to as many students in each school as possible and we are so grateful to Ratoath College for really embracing this. They run PALS now with First Year Students, Transition Year Students, 5th Year Students and 6th Year Students in Leaving Cert Applied.

One to One PALS Programme for Teenagers and Young Adults

Our PALS one to one programme is growing every week. We are delivering PALS to teenagers and young adults in weekly or fortnightly sessions. These sessions are tailored to the individual based on their own needs which include time management, positive communication, self confidence and acceptance. The programme can be delivered in 3, 6 or 9 sessions initially with a view to continuing with monthly sessions to help stay on track. The benefits seen by both parents and students are huge and really help bring a sense of understanding about life and how wonderful it really is. All of our sessions are student focused and relevant to their lives as teenagers and young adults. A few small changes can make an enormous difference and bring about positive impact in both school, college and home life.


We are continuing with our expansion of PALS into more areas and look forward to bringing news to you in our next blog!

Social Media

You can connect with PALS Programme on twitter @palsprogramme and on our Facebook page PALS Programme.
You can connect with us via our website to join our data base.

Please contact us on palsprogramme.ie for any more information you may require.

Have a super November.

Thank you

Welcome To The October Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

We have definitely settled back into the school year now!

Well the first month of the new school year has flown by so fast, although the nice sunshine for the month of September certainly made the transition into routine a little bit easier.
Being in a routine can be really beneficial both on a personal level and also an academic and professional level. It allows us to bring more structure into our day to day lives and helps us get back on track. For students it certainly helps with organisation skills and time management which is always beneficial.
The PALS team are certainly back on track and settling into another academic year.

Making The Transition From Primary School To Secondary School A Positive Experience – PALS Programme’s First Year Workshop

Wow we were delighted to get the opportunity in September to deliver our first year PALS Programme to 210 students in Ratoath College. We ran this one off workshop during the retreat days for the students. The workshop was delivered over 2 hours and looked at areas relating to the transition from primary school into secondary school. It was a really insightful, fun and positive experience for all involved – including our team and their teachers.

We met wonderful amazing students who enlightened us with their humour, maturity and also their understanding of the importance of feeling positive and happy on a day to day basis.
We spent a morning with each class, 7 classes all together delivering our PALS Programme. The students really embraced the workshop and enjoyed team exercises too. Their feedback was excellent and we feel they have great fun while also learning and opening up to new ways of thinking. They are now equipped with some new skills to coping with the transition from primary to secondary school.

We look forward to expanding this workshop into other schools so as more students can get an opportunity to develop new life skills for moving forward on their new journey into secondary school.

Some Feedback From First Year Students

We got amazing feedback from all 210 students but we have just selected a few to give a general idea of how they enjoyed the PALS Programme. These are exactly as the students have written them and we were particularly impressed with the last feedback comment.

Good, interesting, subject that will help me in school life.
I think the PALS Programme is a great and smart idea. Well done.
I enjoyed this lesson, I thought it was really fun and it will help a lot of children.
I enjoyed PALS and I think that every first year should have this programme. It was really interesting.
I enjoyed PALS Programme because I thought it was really helpful and that we should have the programme once a year.
It was great for first years and I would love to do this again
I enjoyed the PALS Programme today! I thought the super hero idea was cool and I think it really helped. THANK YOU!
I think it was really helpful. Thank you for taking the time to do this with us
I thought it was a great exercise and I wish I could do this every week
I enjoyed the PALS Programme. It was very good to learn about our feelings and fears and different ways to be happy. I am very happy that we were able for Bee to come in. I enjoyed the class lots and hope we can do it again. Thank you!
I thought today was very enjoyable and fun. Every first year should have this class on their retreat. It was very helpful.
I like team work and you are very very lovely. Thank you.
I liked when we wrote our thoughts about each other. PS thank you for the gratitude journal.
It is amazing and fun. Bee is really positive and kind. I’d love to have PALS again.
I liked PALS .I had fun. I kept laughing. It was great.
I thought this was great maybe do it once a month, HAPPY, the lady was really nice.
I thought it was really good and I liked how we talked about secondary school.
PALS was really fun and we got to miss class. I would love to do this again.
I liked when we said what we thought about each other.
Interacting with friends and having a laugh. Talking about life and helping me to be more positive.
In my opinion I think the PALS Programme is a very needed part of school because it is a very positive and enjoyable way of interacting with children of our age and it could help detect depression at a young age. I really enjoyed the interactive work during our class and I think Bee should continue her work as it is a wonderful concept and I would have no doubt that it will continue to help and motivate children around this area. I think it should become a regular way of helping children doing their junior and leaving cert as it would stop fears and definitely improve scores and stop depression and antisocialness. Overall I think this is an amazing programme which you should be very proud to be part of and I hope you continue your work.


We are delighted to say that we are continuing with our PALS Programme expansion and connection with similar groups involved with the health and well being of teenagers and young adults.
We will have more updates on this in our blog next month.

Social Media

Remember you can follow us on twitter @palsprogramme and also you can like our page on facebook.

Have you got PALS in your school?

Please contact us on palsprogramme@gmail.com for any more information you may require.

Have a super month.

Thank you


Welcome To The September Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome To the September Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Well we made it through the summer months and ready to get back on track with the new term now.

Whether you are a parent, a student or a teacher, we hope you have enjoyed a nice summer and got to recharge the batteries and you are now ready to go full steam ahead into the new academic year!
The PALS team had a good summer focusing on planning ahead and working on new initiatives to develop other areas within the programme.
Lots of networking events and meetings took place which is bringing PALS Programme to a wider audience and growing our brand awareness in all sectors.
Watch this space for updates about going forward over the next few months.

Ratoath College – Another First For PALS Programme

We are delighted to announce that Ratoath College has come on board as the first school to run with PALS Programme for incoming First Year Students.
We are so excited, as this is something we have worked on for nearly 18 months and now we will get to meet our first group of First Year Students this month, to deliver the one off workshop to over 200 students. The growth of the PALS Programme in Ratoath College has been a testament to the ethos of the school as they embrace and grow in areas of mental health and well being for all their students.
This year we will deliver to First Year Students, Transition Year Students and 5th and 6th Year Leaving Cert Applied Students in Ratoath College alone.
Our aim is to deliver to all students including 2nd year, 5th year and exam year students.
Watch this space!!!

One to One PALS Programme

As we settle back into the new term and get back on track with our routines we are also delighted to see our one to one PALS Programme growing also.
The individual programme is tailored to the student’s individual needs and requirements. The format of the sessions is lead by the teenager or young adult with the focus being on positive and proactive strategies. Doing an individual PALS Programme is similar to taking grinds for exams. We can see the student in their own home , via skype or even doing sessions over the phone. This is a great opportunity to assist teenagers and young adults in the area of positivity, personal growth and developing coping skills and methods to manage day to day challenges in life!

Social Media

Please continue to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
Have you got PALS in your school or college?

Have a super September

Thank you

Welcome To The June Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome To The June Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

We Made It Through The Exams!!!

For many students and parents ,the first half of June was consumed with Junior and Leaving cert state examinations. As a parent of a Junior Cert student I can totally relate to the months of preparation which took place and also the focus and dedication it took to complete the exams. At times I really felt like I was doing the exams! The planning and preparation included study plans, active breaks and even some relaxation and meditation along the way.

As a parent, we sometimes wish we could take on the stress, anxiety and workload from our teenagers, to help them through this important time of their lives. However the skills and knowledge that our children gain at this time, is an invaluable lesson in their preparation for their young adult lives and their future in college and/or work. Sometimes in life the greatest help we can provide is the emotional support needed to help our children as they go through their life lessons. The main focus is often in their academic life, however we also have to allow them to go through other life experiences and lessons too.

My focus when delivering PALS Programme to students, both in schools or in one to one sessions with teenagers, is to introduce an opportunity to look at developing life skills to cope with many areas, including their academic life. Learning life skills through positive communication can help prepare students for future challenges both in and out of school.

As a parent I felt my role was to empower, encourage and reassure my daughter that she would achieve her very best and to give an understanding that this was the biggest event in her life to date. Of course she will go through this all again in another three years when completing her Leaving Cert, which will bring with it a whole new set of challenges, experiences and understanding.

PALS Continues To Grow

Although schools are out for the summer PALS Programme continues to grow and develop in several areas. We are so excited about current projects which are in the development stage and hope to announce details in July or August 2014.

We are putting together a new course targeted at First Year Secondary School students. This will mainly focus on hands on organisational and practical skills to help students cope with the transition from primary school into secondary school, covering areas like emotional well-being and ways to cope with anxieties or concerns they may have.

Social Media

Please continue to connect with PALS Programme on Facebook and Twitter for more updates until our next blog in July.

Have a super month.

Thank you


Welcome To The May Issue Of Our PALS Programme Blog

Welcome to May Issue of PALS Programme blog

Delighted to say April was another very busy month with PALS and May is continuing the same way.

Teen Aware Concert

Good Friday saw the PALS team take a road trip to Co Westmeath. We were involved with the Teen Aware concert in Killbeggan on 18th April. The sun was shining and the energy was electric. Teens from surrounding areas arrived from 1pm to attend this very popular event which has been running for the last 3 years.

We got to chat to teens from First year right up to Sixth year. A fantastic group of young people showing positive communication and respect towards each other and enjoying the festival buzz!

Several youth groups and organisations exhibited information about their services and the teens attended these stands, which included our PALS Programme exhibition. It was super to connect one to one with so many young people and they really showed an interest in PALS and what it was all about.
And maybe the large bowl of chocolate bunnies helped to get their interest too!

Well done to the event organisors and all the schools who arranged tickets and transport for their students.
We look forward to heading there again next Easter!

2014/2015 School Year

May has been a busy month so far scheduling in PALS Programme with schools for 2014/2015.
Great results with schools running PALS again this year and some new schools on board too which is excellent.

If you are a teacher, a parent, a youth worker, a teen or young adult and you would like know more about how PALS can connect with you, your organisation or you school, please contact us for more details.


Since we launched our twitter page back in November we are slowly but surely gaining followers every day. We feel that twitter is a vital part of our programme as lots of people are using twitter on a day to day basis.
It is short, sweet and to the point.
You can follow us on twitter @palsprogramme and we also have a facebook page PALS Programme.

Ratoath College Awards Ceremony

I am both delighted and honoured with the invitation from Ratoath College to attend their year end Prize Giving Ceremony on May 22nd and I have been asked to present the Entrepreneurial Award. I am so excited about this award as it identifies the great talents of our young business students. The award will be presented to the student with the most innovative business ideas, continued work on developing mini companies, buckets of enthusiasm and positivity, and a belief that you will succeed no matter how many times you may have to fail.

For more information about PALS Programme you can contact us on palsprogramme@gmail.com

As always all emails and calls are strictly confidential.

Have a super month and I look forward to connecting with you again in June.

Thank you


Welcome to the April Issue of our PALS Programme Blog

Well March was another very productive and busy month for PALS Programme with so many different projects on the go.

The completion of the 4 week programme with 5th year students in Ratoath College resulted in another successful delivery of PALS and also great feedback from the students. We had lots of great discussions around the area of positivity and hoping to feel more positive on a daily basis while facing the challenges of feeling negative.  PALS helps by giving hands on coping skills around several areas including daily positive practices.

Personal One to One  PALS Programme for teenagers and young adults

We are delighted to announce another first for PALS Programme which was launched this month.

If you are a teenager or young adult who doesn’t yet have PALS in school or college, you can do an individual tailored PALS Programme over 3 or 6 sessions.  PALS will help individuals increase positivity and become more proactive in their day to day lives. During each session we will cover the areas of the PALS Programme with more focused specific individual needs.

How can PALS Programme help?

Teens and Young Adults

What would you answer to these questions?

–          Do you feel overwhelmed by some daily tasks?

–          Do you feel anxious some of the time?

–          Do you experience panic attacks?

–          Would you like to see your self- confidence increase?

–          Would you like to feel more positive on a daily basis?

Parents and Guardians

What would you answer to these questions?

–          Would you like to experience more positive communication with your teenager?

–          Do you feel your teenager or young adult could benefit by being more positive?

–          Are you concerned about your teenager or young adult feeling stressed or overwhelmed?

–          Would you like to increase positivity in several areas of your life?


If you answered yes to some or all of the above questions maybe one to one PALS will work for you.

You can contact me for more information and to discuss a tailored programme.

As always all calls and emails are strictly confidential.

Here is too a wonderful month ahead.

Happy Easter everyone and I look forward to connecting with you all again in May.


Thank you



Welcome to the March Issue of our PALS Programme Blog

February was another very busy productive month for PALS Programme in several areas and March is shaping up to be just as busy with a lot of developments for PALS going forward.

The last week in February saw another first for PALS when we launched a 4 week PALS Programme with 5th Year LCA students in Ratoath College. A great first for PALS and another first for Ratoath College.  We are so excited about seeing PALS expanding into other school years within the secondary school curriculum as our ultimate aim is to deliver PALS to students in every year from First Year right up to Sixth Year. The wonderful and unique part about PALS is that is works for everyone no matter what age they are as the earlier we receive guidance, help and support in the area of positive life skills the better equipped we are to deal with the day to day challenges faced by everyone, young and not so young!

How can we become more positive and does positivity come naturally to some people more than others?

I am often asked this question while delivering PALS to both students and adults. The simple answer is that we all have the ability to change our thought s to more positive assertive thoughts if we become aware of how important our thoughts are in our day to day life. Every thought you have will create the reality you experience. For example every thought you had yesterday created the reality you experience today and every thought you have today will create the reality you will experience tomorrow. If you would like to change the reality then you will need to change the thoughts. It really is that simple however we all know simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy.

Our thoughts create our feelings and our feelings create our actions. As this cycle continues you will experience more and more of the same thoughts, feelings and actions. Positive thoughts will create positive feelings like happiness, peace, joy and laughter and in turn these feelings will create actions to match this. Therefore doing things like exercise, meeting friends and having fun. The opposite is also true and negative thoughts will create negative feelings like anger, frustration, stress and anxiety and in turn these feelings will create negative actions. These actions may include self-sabotage, low self-esteem, tiredness, panic attacks, anxiety, lethargic inaction and a lack of proactivity and productivity. The best way to break this cycle is to change something and usually this would mean changing the thoughts. It takes awareness and commitment and will become a habit the more you do it. Training the mind every day to increase positive thoughts and words takes effort but the results are priceless. A positive thought first thing in the morning can create a wonderful day ahead. Try it!

I advise people to prepare a few happy positive thoughts or memories which may be used to switch out of a negative thought as it is hard to feel negative when thinking of something wonderful and happy. Also I find keeping a gratitude journal a very good way to create positive thoughts. Everyone who attends a PALS Programme receives a Gratitude Journal in the first session as I feel this is a great starting point for becoming aware of our thoughts. Being grateful for what we already have brings about more and more of those wonderful experiences into our day to day life.

Have a wonderful positive month ahead and enjoy every moment!

Thank you



Welcome to the February issue of our PALS Programme Blog


Wow what an amazing start to the year for PALS Programme.

PALS Programme in schools

We have had a flurry of activity in so many areas and we are delighted to see more and more people becoming aware of PALS Programme. The feedback through evaluation forms from the students in invaluable and enables PALS to grown and develop. To see the growth taking place with students over the four week programme is really amazing. Observing the positive increase in feelings of wellbeing confirms the purpose of PALS and motivates us to grow and expand. It is our belief that every child is entitled to live positive, happy and well balanced lives.

The development of PALS  begin nearly 5 years ago when I launched the programme initially with TY Students in mind as it worked very well with the CSPE and SPHE curriculum within the education system.

Three years ago I was delighted when Ratoath College agreed to allow me to pilot the programme and the feedback from the first group of TY students was invaluable to the progress of PALS. To date nearly 500 students in the Meath and Louth area have received the PALS Programme in school.

During the last 3 years PALS has grown, developed and expanded allowing more children to benefit from the programme. I now deliver PALS to first year students at the beginning of their school year in early September, which helps them focus on the positive transition from primary school into secondary school. I also deliver PALS to exam year students in both 3rd and 6th year in preparation for their Junior and Leaving Cert exams. These programmes take place at the end of August before the students start school.

Most recently PALS Programme has been adapted for primary school students, in particular 5th and 6th Class students preparing to leave primary school and make the big transition into secondary school.

My aim is to establish the PALS Programme within our primary and secondary school communities  to create positive life skills from an early age and provide continuity for the children as they move from pre teens into teens  and on to young adults, empowered with positive and assertive life skills for the world we live in today.

PALS can be delivered in primary schools in  a one off session to each class or over a 4 week programme. The programme can be adapted to each individual school depending on class sizes and school budgets.

If you are a teacher, SNA or a parent and you would like more information on our PALS Programme please contact us to discuss how you can bring PALS into your school. You can email us at palsprogramme@gmail.com


We are also available to deliver PALS Programme presentation for schools with both teachers and/or parents.


Feedback from some Transition Year students who completed the PALS Programme recently :


“PALS was really motivating and it helped me understand myself more. Thank you Bee”

“I thought it was fabulous. It really made me think about things more”

“I learned a lot and it helped me understand more about positive thinking. I have really benefited from this. I would recommend it and I would like to do it in 6th year before my leaving cert”

“Thank you Bee. I really enjoyed the mission statement bit,it was very helpful. It was nice to verbalise and write down beliefs and goals!”



PALS Programme in Business


The beauty of PALS is that it can be adapted to suit any group, organisation or business. We are delighted to say we delivered a one day PALS Programme workshop in the L’Oreal Professionel Academy recently to a well established Hair Salon and their team of 17 staff. This day was a huge success and participants ranged in age from late teens to early 50’s. Feedback on the day was fantastic and they all enjoyed the opportunity to look at how to increase and develop more positive and assertive life skills. We are looking forward to expanding our client base in this industry.


Feedback from participants in PALS Programme for business

“The day was excellent. Very enjoyable on both a professional and a personal basis. The delivery of the course was brilliant”

“Really enjoyed the day Bee. I would love to do a little more in the future maybe a half day every now and then. Thank you thank you thank you”

“I thoroughly enjoyed today. I found you very friendly and felt like you put us at ease. You were very knowledgeable about everything you spoke about and answered questions very clearly. Thank you for today Bee”

“I loved the positivity amongst the team and feel we will all be thinking the same going forward”

“I felt today that I was able to discover new things about myself and have a better understanding of others. I feel more positive about myself and my future”


More exciting news to follow with the month ahead focusing on increasing awareness of PALS Programme and also planning ahead to the new school year for 2014/2015


Thank you

Have a super February

